sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

_Canadá conquista o ouro nos Pan-Americanos

A equipa feminina do Canadá ganhou a sua primeira medalha de ouro nos Jogos Pan-Americanos esta quinta-feira numa dramática final que foi até ao minuto 120 e à consequente marcação de penaltis.

Christine Sinclair marcou no minuto 88 e empatou o resultado (1-1) o que levou as equipas a penaltis sendo que o Canadá levou a melhor ao vencer por 4-3.

“This story is perfect,” said LeBlanc, Canada's veteran ‘keeper who was brilliant in the victory. “We were knocked down after the World Cup, we fell down, and John came in and he said: what do you guys want? We said, we want a gold medal. To go down and to show the resilience our team has. . . . The message moving forward: you know what, you can knock us down, but we'll find a way.”

Diana Matheson, Sinclair, Melanie Booth and Sophie Schmidt scored in the shootout for Canada, while veteran LeBlanc stopped shots by Brazil's Grazielle and Debora to cement the victory.

“You win tournaments here and there in random countries that, yeah, mean a lot,” said Sinclair. “But to stand up there and listen to your national anthem being played, it's unbelievable. It's absolutely unbelievable.”


In the thrilling women's soccer final, Debora scored just four minutes in on a long run for two-time defending Pan Am champion Brazil, sprinting through Canada's backline before firing from long range to beat LeBlanc.

The Canadians appeared destined for silver before Sinclair got her head on a corner kick from Matheson, steering the ball past Brazilian ‘keeper Barbara and sending the game into two 15-minute extra-time periods.

“It's just reward for the time they've put in over the last two years,” Herdman said. “I think we all knew going into that World Cup, they'd worked hard enough to do well there. I think this is reward for that.


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