sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2013

_Welcome to Portugal...

Foto: O Jogo das Raparigas

"WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT. The world was raptly awaiting the opening of the envelope and looking, every once in a while, to those beautiful light eyes and charming smile and hoping to see that girl on stage when suddenly sounded an unpronounceable name (Wambach, if I remember correctly) and the disappointment befell on many of the spirits in the room or outside it. The truth is that the girl in the photo was forced to sit in the audience, sad but always smiling, as we were dying to see her parading with the elegance that God gave her. Alex Morgan, the 23 year old Californian striker of the women's american soccer team, was the beauty in FIFA Gala with the problem of being her friend (and much less beautiful) Wambach being considered, at this moment, the best in the world. What a pity."


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